Traffic Violations
Like many people who have received a ticket for a traffic offense, you may be tempted to just pay the fine and "make the problem go away." However, paying a traffic ticket is an admission of guilt. An accumulation of minor traffic violation convictions can result in loss of driver's license and increased insurance rates. Serious violations can result in potential jail time and other penalties. Warren J. Breslin is a Chicago traffic offenses attorney who can protect your rights and help minimize the consequences of a traffic violation.

There are certainly many serious traffic violations that hold the risk of a jail sentence and loss of driving privileges. In addition to the obvious reckless homicide (vehicular manslaughter) charge, others include leaving an accident scene, eluding police, driving while suspended or revoked, and more. It is now a jailable criminal offense in Illinois to speed 26 mph or more over the limit. 35 mph or more over the limit is considered "per se" reckless driving; and if you have children under age 18 in a vehicle when any major traffic offense is alleged, you may face additional criminal child endangerment charges. All could send you to jail and some could cause your license to be revoked.
Minor Traffic Tickets Can Lead to Loss of LicenseEven multiple minor tickets can result in the loss of your driving privileges. If you are under 21, only two ticket convictions within 24 months will result in license suspension and more may revoke your license. If you are over 21, you need to be convicted of three minor tickets within a 12-month period to be suspended and, again, more may revoke your license. Any ticket conviction will be held against you by your insurance company and may raise your premiums.
Free Consultations With a Chicago Traffic Offenses LawyerContact Warren J. Breslin online or call his law office locally call at 312-321-9070 to discuss your case. Warren Breslin is an accomplished AV Preeminent* rated criminal defense attorney who will work hard to defend your rights and win your case. He represents clients in the Greater Chicago area, including Palatine.